New Members!
We are happy to have you join us!
Whether you found us online, heard about us from a friend, or noticed us because you live in the neighborhood, we are happy to have you here.
Initial Questions?
A great place to start is our Welcome table inside the Narthex or in the Breezeway of our Sanctuary. There, we can greet you, offer you a temporary name tag and answer any questions you may have. Whatever you need, we’re happy to help.
If you would like to start the process in becoming a new member, you can contact our church office by phone or email, and our administrative assistant, Marilyn Wall, will connect you with someone who can help educate more about our church and/or beginning the process of joining.
You can join our congregation at any and all times. If you would like more information about joining us, please contact Pastor Julia by calling the church the church office at (559) 435-2690.
New members attend an informational class organized by the head of our Extravagant Welcome team, Donna Wright. You can expect information regarding our mission and the theology of our adaptive church.
For more information about church life or ways that you can get involved, you can check out our ministry page.