Who we are:

Community United Church of Christ is an adaptive Christian church serving California’s Central Valley and beyond

Mission Statement:

We follow the teachings of Jesus offering a place of love and inclusion, fostering justice and spiritual formation, and collaborating with others to further an equitable world for all.

How Do We Walk the Talk?

  • Love for God, our Neighbor, and our Earth

    Environmental Integrity

    Just Peace For All

  • Regardless of background, race, socio-economic status, gender identity, mental well-being, current spiritual journey

  • Voting rights

    Human rights

    Women’s rights

    LGBTQ+ rights

    Immigration rights

    Reproductive rights

    Marriage rights

    A call to accountability

  • At Community UCC we believe that God is the Source of all things, is clearly visible in creation as the face of the Christ, became visible as a human being through Jesus, and is present with us through the Spirit.

    Because we take the Bible seriously, we cannot take it literally. The Scriptures we hold dear is a library of 66 ancient books, written within a variety of cultures and compiled over thousands of years. The heart of God, whose redemptive message of love and is made understandable through Jesus, guides us in living everyday life. All we are flows from this Center.

    Because of our understanding of God we affirm the 8 points of progressive Christianity:

    1. By calling ourselves progressive Christians, we mean we are Christians who: Believe that following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the Sacred and the Oneness and Unity of all life;

    2. Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience the Sacredness and Oneness of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom in our spiritual journey;

    3. Seek community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to:

    • Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics.

    • Believers and agnostics.

    • Women and men.

    • Those of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

    • Those of all classes and abilities.

    4. Know that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of what we believe.

    5. Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning than in absolutes.

    6. Strive for peace and justice among all people.

    7. Strive to protect and restore the integrity of our Earth.

    8. Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love.

Meet our Staff

  • Julia Penner-Zook


    Julia began her ministry as Pastor of Community UCC in May 2020. Julia is a graduate of Fresno Pacific Seminary, where she earned a Masters of Theology degree before going on to serve as co-pastor of a congregation in Munich, Germany, a speaker at conferences and workshops, and an educator in a variety of social services settings. Julia offers leadership and vision for our teams, connection through pastoral care and on social media platforms, and invites growth through teaching and preaching. She is married to Rod; they have two grown children and eight grandchildren.

    Email: j.penner.zook@gmail.com.

  • E.J. Hinojosa


    EJ is a music educator with Fresno Unified School District, an alumnus of Fresno Pacific University, and a proud Fresnan. He, his wife, and their three daughters, Rosie, Ellie, and Daphne live in the Fresno High neighborhood where they enjoy going for long walks and eating cold treats at Ampersand Ice Cream.

    Email: ej.hinojo@gmail.com.

  • Marilyn Wall


    Marilyn knows all things CUCC. She has been with the Church since 1993 and prides herself as our resident historian and chief of the office. She will disarm anyone with a warm smile and a kind word of encouragement. Marilyn likes to read anything interesting and loves the CUCC family. She also loves being a “Grammie” to her five grandkids.

    Email: office@communityucc.com

Church Officers:

Church Teams

Our church teams offer ways for members to contribute to the business operations of the church, according to their interests and skill sets.

  • This team shall plan and execute the worship life of the Congregation, in close consultation with the Pastors and Ministers

  • This team’s primary focus is the oversight and management of budget development, stewardship, and fundraising.

  • This team’s primary focus is to serve as a support group for the pastors and their families. Also, facilitate communication between the pastors and the congregation to ensure positive and healthy relationships.

  • This team shall focus on the invitation, reception, and nurturing of the members of this Church.

  • This team’s primary focus is the oversight and management of budget development, stewardship, and fundraising.

  • This team shall provide information and education on social justice issues and the mission/service needs of the human community.

  • This team’s primary focus is the oversight and management of Community United Church of Christ’s buildings and grounds.

  • This team shall nurture relationships and builds a sense of community by providing recreational and social occasions for Church members and friends.

  • This team shall be the Gifts custodian of the Charitable Gifts and Endowments Funds of CUCC. Also, shall act as the financial investment agent of the Church.

Take a Tour of our Campus